
Group Leaders


PhD Students

CaSSIS Operations Personnel

Master Students


Previous members of the Planetary Imaging Group (PIG) and their current activity.
 Name  Position  Activity in PIG  Current Activity
Dr. Omar Mokhtari PostDoc SUBICE PostDoc at PSI
Dr. Caroline Haslebacher PhD Student and PostDoc Europa Clipper PostDoc in Boulder
Dr. Nico Haslebacher PhD Student and PostDoc Comet Interceptor Riding his road bike
Dr. Matthew Read Operational Engineer CaSSIS
Dr. Lea Klaiber PhD Student and PostDoc Io
Dr. Lucas Patty Postdoc Postdoc
Dr. Adomas Valentinas PhD Student CaSSIS Postdoc
Dr. Camila Cesar PhD Student CaSSIS
Dr. Stefano Spaddaccia PhD Student
 Dr. Clement Feller  Postdoc
 Dr. Patricio Becerra  Postdoc CaSSIS Swiss space industry
 Dr. Romain Cerubini  PhD Student LOSSy
 Dr. Selina-Barbara Gerig  PhD Student DRAG Swiss industry
 Dr. Olga Pinzon  PhD Student
DRAG German industry
 Dr. Clemence Herny  Postdoc MiARD, CaSSIS Postdoc in CNRM
 Dr. Alireza Hosseini  PhD Student and Postdoc BELA Postdoc in AIUB
 Dr. Zuriñe Yoldi  PhD Student and Postdoc LOSSy Postdoc in UCPH
 Dr. Yann Brouet  Postdoc LAPIS Data Scientist, Paris
 Dr. Panagiotis Theologou
DRAG, LAPIS, Projects German industry
 Victoria Roloff  PhD Student CaSSIS In memoriam
 Dr. Bernhard Jost  PhD Student and Postdoc LOSSy Postdoc at JPL, NASA
 Dr. Raphael Marschall  PhD Student DRAG Postdoc at SwRI, Boulder
 Dr. Luca Guallini  Postdoc LAPIS
 Dr. Olivier Poch  Postdoc LOSSy IPAG, Grenoble
 Dr. Ying Liao  PhD Student DRAG Postdoc. MUST, China
 Dr. Julien Gouman  PhD Student and Postdoc LAPIS, Projects Swiss industry
 Dr. Ramy El Maarry  Postdoc LOSSy, LAPIS Lecturer in Birkbeck, London
 Dr. Antonio Gracia  Postdoc LAPIS AI Scientist at Boeing
 Dr. Xavier Diot  PhD Student LAPIS
 Dr. Susanne Finklenburg  PhD Student DRAG Patent Lawyer
 Dr. Thomas Beck  PhD Student Projects (BELA) CHEOPS System Engineer
 Dr. Ganna Portyankina  Postdoc LAPIS Postdoc in LASP, Boulder
 Dr. Klaus-Michael Aye  Postdoc Projects (BELA), LAPIS Postdoc in LASP, Boulder
 Dr. Sumita Chakraborty  PhD Student Projects (BELA) Swiss industry
 Dr. Kurt Gunderson  Postdoc LOSSy, Projects (BELA)
 Dr. Patrick Russell  Postdoc LAPIS Postdoc at UCLA
 Dr. Kilian Marti  PhD Student Projects (BELA) Swiss industry
 Dr. Benjamin Lüthi  PhD Student LOSSy, Projects (DISR, Beagle 2) Swiss industry
 Dr. Tra-Mi Ho  PhD Student DRAG DLR in Bremen (Manager for MASCOT)
 Dr. Ivano Bertini  PhD Student DRAG University of Padova
 Dr. Alexandra Lefort  PhD Student LAPIS
 Ms. Ursula Meerstetter  Diploma Student LAPIS Teaching Physics in Bern