Space Research & Planetary Sciences (WP)

Senior Staff
  • Golabek, G. and Jutzi, M. 2021. Modification of icy planetesimals by early thermal evolution and collisions: Constraints for formation time and initial size of comets and small KBOs. Icarus, accepted. 

  • Bottke, W. F. and Jutzi, 2021. M. Exploring Vesta’s History Using its Largest Impact Basins. In Vesta and Ceres: Insights into the Dawn of the Solar System  Editors: Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell, Cambridge University Press. 

  • Michel, P. and 16 colleagues, 2020. Collisional formation of top-shaped asteroids and implications for the origins of Ryugu and Bennu. Nature Communications 11.

  • Arakawa, M. and 67 colleagues, 2020. An artificial impact on the asteroid (162173) Ryugu formed a crater in the gravity-dominated regime. Science 368, 67–71.

  • Gabriel, T.S.J., Jackson, A.P., Asphaug, E., Reufer, A., Jutzi, M., Benz, W. 2020. Gravity-dominated Collisions: A Model for the Largest Remnant Masses with Treatment for ``Hit and Run'' and Density Stratification. The Astrophysical Journal 892.

  • Jutzi, M. and Michel, P. 2020. Collisional heating and compaction of small bodies: Constraints for their origin and evolution. Icarus, 350, 113867.

  • Jutzi, M. 2019. The shape and structure of small asteroids as a result of sub-catastrophic collisions. Planetary and Space Science, 177, 104695.

  • Sevevcek, P., Broz, M., Jutzi, M. 2019. Impacts into rotating targets: angular momentum draining and efficient formation of synthetic families. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629.

  • Hirabayashi, Masatoshi; Davis, Alex B.; Fahnestock, Eugene G.; Richardson, Derek C.; Michel, Patrick; Cheng, Andrew F.; Rivkin, Andrew S.; Scheeres, Daniel J.; Chesley, Steven R.; Yu, Yang; Naidu, Shantanu P.; Schwartz, Stephen R.; Benner, Lance A. M.; Pravec, Petr; Stickle, Angela M.; Jutzi, Martin; DART Dynamical Group; Physical Properties (WG3) Analysis Group. 2019. Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Advances in Space Research, Volume 63, Issue 8, p. 2515-2534.

  • Jutzi, M., P Michel, DC Richardson 2019. Fragment properties from large-scale asteroid collisions: I: Results from SPH/N-body simulations using porous parent bodies and improved material models. Icarus 317, 215-228

  • Leleu, A., M Jutzi, M Rubin 2018. The peculiar shapes of Saturn’s small inner moons as evidence of mergers of similar-sized moonlets. Nature Astronomy 2, 555–561

  • Schwartz, S.R., P Michel, M Jutzi, S Marchi, Y Zhang, DC Richardson 2018. Catastrophic disruptions as the origin of bilobate comets. Nature astronomy 2, 379–382

  • Golabek, G.J., M. Jutzi, A. Emsenhuber E.I. Asphaug & T.V. Gerya. 2018. Coupling SPH and thermochemical models I: Methodology and example a of a Mars-sized body. Icarus 301, 235-246

  • Emsenhuber, A., M. Jutzi, W. Benz 2018. SPH calculations of planet-scale collisions: the role of the Equation of State, material rheologies, and numerical effects. Icarus 301, 247-257

  • Turrini, D., V Svetsov, G Consolmagno, S Sirono, M Jutzi 2018. The late accretion and erosion of Vesta’s crust recorded by eucrites and diogenites as an astrochemical window into the formation of Jupiter and the early evolution of the Solar System. Icarus 311, 224-241

  • Saxena, P. JP Renaud, WG Henning, M Jutzi, T Hurford 2018. Relevance of tidal heating on large TNOs. Icarus 302, 245-260

  • Wada, Koji, Matthias Grott, Patrick Michel, Kevin J Walsh, Antonella M Barucci, Jens Biele, Jürgen Blum, Carolyn M Ernst, Jan Thimo Grundmann, Bastian Gundlach, Axel Hagermann, Maximilian Hamm, Martin Jutzi, Myung-Jin Kim, Ekkehard Kührt, Lucille Le Corre, Guy Libourel, Roy Lichtenheldt, Alessandro Maturilli, Scott R Messenger, Tatsuhiro Michikami, Hideaki Miyamoto, Stefano Mottola, Thomas Müller, Akiko M Nakamura, Larry R Nittler, Kazunori Ogawa, Tatsuaki Okada, Ernesto Palomba, Naoya Sakatani, Stefan E Schröder, Hiroki Senshu, Driss Takir, Michael E Zolensky 2018. Asteroid Ryugu before the Hayabusa2 encounter. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 5 (1), 82

  • Jutzi, M., W. Benz 2017. Formation of bi-lobed shapes by sub-catastrophic collisions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 597, A62. 

  • Jutzi, M., W. Benz, A. Toliou, A. Morbidelli, R. Brasser. 2017. How primordial is the structure of comet 67P/C-G? Astronomy and Astrophysics, 597, A61.

  • Peter Wurz, Davide Lasi, Nicolas Thomas, Daniele Piazza, André Galli, Martin Jutzi, S Barabash, M Wieser, W Magnes, H Lammer, U Auster, LI Gurvits, W Hajdas. An Impacting Descent Probe for Europa and the Other Galilean Moons of Jupiter. Earth, moon, and planets 120 (2), 113-146

  • Arakawa, M., K. Wada, T. Saiki, T. Kadono, Y. Takagi, K. Shirai, C. Okamoto, H. Yano, M. Hayakawa, S. Nakazawa, N. Hirata, M. Kobayashi, P. Michel, M. Jutzi, H. Imamura, K. Ogawa, N. Sakatani, Y. Iijima, R. Honda, K. Ishibashi, H. Hayakawa, and H. Sawada. 2016. Scientific objectives of Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) and Deployable Camera 3 Digital (DCAM3-D): Observation of an ejecta curtain and a crater formed on the surface of 1999 JU3 by an artificial high-velocity impact. Space Science Reviews, in press.

  • Schwartz, S. R.; Yu, Y.; Michel, P.; Jutzi, M. 2016. Small-body deflection techniques using spacecraft: Techniques in simulating the fate of ejecta. Advances in Space Research, Volume 57, Issue 8, p. 1832-1846.

  • Cheng, A. F.; Michel, P.; Jutzi, M.; Rivkin, A. S.; Stickle, A.; Barnouin, O.; Ernst, C.; Atchison, J.; Pravec, P.; Richardson, D. C. 2016. Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment mission: Kinetic impactor. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 121, p. 27-35.

  • Jutzi, M., Asphaug, E. 2015. The shape and structure of cometary nuclei as a result of low velocity collisions. Science 348, 1355.

  • Jutzi, M. 2015. SPH calculations of asteroid disruptions: the role of pressure dependent failure models. Planetary and Space Science, 107, 3.

  • Jutzi, M., Holsapple, K. A., Wuenneman, K., and Michel, P. 2015. Modeling asteroid collisions and impact processes. In Asteroids IV (P. Michel, F. DeMeo, and W. F. Bottke, eds.), Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.

  • Asphaug, E.; Collins, G.; Jutzi, M. 2015. Global Scale Impacts. 2015. In Asteroids IV (P. Michel, F. DeMeo, and W. F. Bottke, eds.), Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.

  • Michel, P, Richardson, D.C., Durda, D., Jutzi, M.; Asphaug, E. 2015. Global Scale Impacts. In Asteroids IV (P. Michel, F. DeMeo, and W. F. Bottke, eds.), Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.

  • Consolmagno G. J., G. J. Golabek, D. Turrini, M. Jutzi, S. Sirono, V. Svetsov and K. Tsiganis, 2015. Is Vesta an Intact Protoplanet? Icarus, 254, 190.

  • Goodrich, C. A., Hartmann, W. K., O'Brien, D. P., Weidenschilling, S. J.; Wilson, L., Michel, P., Jutzi, M. 2015. Origin and history of ureilitic material in the solar system: The view from asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 50, Issue 4, pp. 782-809.

  • Michel, P., Jutzi, M., Richardson, D. C., Goodrich, C. A., Hartmann, W. K., & O'brien, D. P. 2015. Selective sampling during catastrophic disruption: Mapping the location of reaccumulated fragments in the original parent body. Planetary and Space Science 107, 24.

  • Clenet, H., Jutzi, M., Barrat, J.-A., Asphaug, E. I., Benz, W., & Gillet, P. 2014. A deep crust–mantle boundary in the asteroid 4 Vesta. Nature, 511, 303– 306. doi:10.1038/nature13499

  • Jutzi, M., Michel, P. 2014. Hypervelocity impacts on asteroids and momentum transfer I. Numerical simulations using porous targets. Icarus, 229, 247.

  • Jutzi, M., Thomas, N., Benz, W., El-Maarry, M.R., Jora, L., Preusker, F., Scholten, F. 2013. The influence of recent major crater impacts on the surrounding surfaces of (21) Lutetia. Icarus 226, 89.

  • Jutzi M., Asphaug, E., Gillet, P., Barrat, J.-A., Benz. W.  2013. The structure of the asteroid 4 Vesta as revealed by models of planet-scale collisions, Nature, 494, 207.

  • Jutzi M., Asphaug, E. 2011 Forming the lunar farside highlands by accretion of a companion moon, Nature, 476, 69.

  • Asphaug, E., Jutzi, M., Movshovitz, N. 2011. Chondrule formation during planetesimal accretion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308, 369

  • Michel, P., Jutzi, M., Benz, W., Richardson, D. 2011. The Asteroid Veritas: An intruder in a family named after it? Icarus 211, 535

  • Jutzi, M., Asphaug, E. 2011. Mega-ejecta on asteroid Vesta. Geophysical Research Letters 38, Issue 1.

  • Jutzi, M., P. Michel, W. Benz and D.C. Richardson 2010. Fragment properties at the catastrophic disruption threshold: The effect of the parent body's internal structure. Icarus, 207, 54.

  • Jutzi, M., P. Michel and W. Benz 2010. A large crater as a probe of the internal structure of the E-type asteroid Steins. Astronomy and Astrophysics 509, L2.

  • Jutzi, M., P. Michel, W. Benz, and D. C. Richardson 2009. The formation of the baptistina family by catastrophic disruption: porous versus non-porous parent body. MAPS 44, 1877.

  • Korycansky, D. G., C. Plesko, M. Jutzi, E. Asphaug, and A. Colaprete 2009. Predictions for the LCROSS mission. MAPS 44, 603.

  • Jutzi, M., P. Michel, K. Hiraoka, A. M. Nakamura, and W. Benz 2009. Numerical simulations of impacts involving porous bodies: II. comparison with laboratory experiments. Icarus 201, 802.

  • Jutzi, M., W. Benz, and P. Michel 2008. Numerical simulations of impacts involving porous bodies: I. implementing sub-resolution porosity in a 3D SPH hydrocode. Icarus 198, 242.

My current research is about the formation and evolution of the small bodies, moons and planets of our Solar System, focusing on collisional processes. Recent major achievements include:


  • Development and validation of a state-of-the-art SPH shock physics code which is specially suited to study the regimes of collisions among small bodies where the complex effects of material strength, friction, porosity as well as self-gravitation determine the outcome concurrently.


  • Coupling of 3D planetary-scale impact calculations to long-term interior evolution simulations.



  • Studies of the effects of global-scale impacts, which modify the physical and thermal state of a substantial fraction of a target body and alter its global shape. Asteroid 4 Vesta, sometimes called a “small planet”, represents a prime example of a body which experienced multiple such global-scale collisions, as suggested by the presence of its huge impact basins in the southern hemisphere. 

Current Positions (2015 -)

  • Senior Researcher (including Habilitation), Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • NCCR PlanetS member (


Previous Positions

  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione Fellow (2012 - 2015)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA (2009 - 2011)



  • PhD in Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, and Nice Observatory, France. (February 2009)
  • Masters Degree in Physics, University of Bern. (February 2005)